[Review] Bunraku - Cowboys, Samurai, Woodcutters, Oh My!
I first heard of Bunraku back in early 2008, when it was announced that GACKT would be in it. I didn't expect the film to be out until the following year, so I put off my excitement until 2009. However, even that year passed with little news about the movie, as did most of 2010. Bunraku finally made its western premiere in September of 2010, at the Toronto International Film Festival.
[Review] The Last Airbender
Movie adaptions rarely live up to the epicness of their source material. The X-Men, Super Mario Bros., and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movies are some examples of this, while the Lord of the Rings trilogy is something that has lived up to the source material. How does The Last Airbender fare -- does it blow you away, or is it just hot air?